Another highly successful Sustainability Committee was held during the recent ACA Winter Conference in Orlando. Committee Chair Tommy Norris divided the committee into five working groups previously identified and based on President Lannette Linthicum’s initial charge to the committee. The subcommittees will be working on the following sustainability issues: The integration of utility tracking programs with the EPA’s Portfolio Manager; Outreach to Jails to promote sustainability programs; Expanding the use of ACA Accreditation to expand the influence of sustainability; Focusing on agency policy that recognize the accomplishments of leaders that incorporate sustainability into their good management practice; Expand participation of companies that purport to have a green focus to exhibit on the Green Aisle to give their products greater focus; Work to identify best practice sustainability programs from around the country and pull them into the ACA program and articles for Corrections Today.

ACA Sustainability Subcommittees hard at work at the 2018 Winter Conference