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ACA’s Winter Conference Marks A Milestone For Sustainability

GreenPrisons Founder and CEO joined ACA President Mary Livers in cutting the cake to celebrate the establishment of ACA’s Clean and Green Committee as a permanent, standing committee with a new name. The Committee will now be known as the Sustainability-Oriented and Environmentally Responsible Practices Committee.

This action by ACA’s membership marks a giant step forward for sustainability and for the Association. The celebration occurred during the Sustainability’s regular meeting and in addition to President Livers participation ACA’s Executive Director Jim Gondles also commented on the important role the Committee has played in the Association with the creation of the Green Aisle and the increased numbers of articles and workshops on sustainability over the last seven years.

Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction (ODRC) Director and President-Elect of the Association Gary Mohr also made remarks lauding President Livers for her direction and innovation during her tenure and also shared that he was convinced that sustainability was an issue here to stay in corrections. Ohio is a leader in sustainable practices across the country so his presence and endorsement was a particularly important part of the celebration.


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