GreenPrisons congratulates PortionPac and their corrections division CorrectPac for their 50 year commitment to providing safe, green chemicals for a variety of cleaning applications. Long a supporter of corrections and the accreditation process PortionPac was the first formal sponsor of GreenPrisons almost three years ago.
We are proud to list them at the top of our sponsor’s mast head signifying their long term commitment to our effort to spread the word of sustainability to correctional facilities nationwide. Their innovative approach to the portion control dispensing of chemicals continues to be a major factor in assisting correctional administrators in their efforts to run safe, secure institutions.
CONGRATULATIONS PortionPac on your first fifty years!!! We appreciate your support.
The Connection™
Marvin's View
June 18, 2014
Well, It's taken 50 years...but common sense seems to have arrived
PortionPac Chemical Corp. is celebrating our 50th Anniversary and our company survived because of supporters such as yourself. But even back in 1964 our concept of portion control was not new and the benefits both obvious and overwhelming. At the same time the Food and Pharmaceutical industries were introducing unit dose and pre-measured products.
Fifty years ago the lack of standardization, health and environmental impact of using bulk janitorial and food service detergents was more harmful than most of us would like to remember. But who could expect efficient or effective cleaning when Janitors received little or no education and were handed a 5 gallon pail or 55 gallon drum of detergent and told to dilute it 25 or 35 to 1 in an unmarked mopping bucket or tank?
So a concentrate in a portion control package seemed like an easy thing for buyers to understand. We thought our concept was simple: squeeze the water out, pre-measure the product into our Pac® brand pouches and educate Janitors with professional cleaning techniques. Needless to say, it wasn't easy and management could not understand the benefits of our products.
But now industry is understanding that individual, portion control packages are the key to safe and effective cleaning...and surprisingly, it is not only coming from our industrial and institutional market but from the retail marketplace.
Last week we bought a new dishwasher for our home and when I reviewed the brands in the July issue of Consumer Reports, their main suggestion was that no matter what brand you buy they only recommended portion control packages of detergent. I guess this should not have been a surprise because we have all seen how the super market shelves are filled with these products even though leading international manufacturers have to deal with reduced sales compared to their big jugs of detergent as they eliminate waste and over use.
But then the next surprise was that the Maytag washer that we purchased also said that only portion control products should be used for effective cleaning. They went into depth on the many advantages, from cost to environmental impact. Here is a section from their instruction book.
So although it has been a tough battle for 50 years it was worth it to now see that the effectiveness, economy and environmental impact of portion control has become common sense in many parts of the world.
Sure, it has taken a long time and manufacturers have tried everything from high concentrates to metering machines to avoid the obvious advantages of pre-measured packages. But the market is growing everyday.
Please take pride in this critical advancement because it would not have happened without you. We appreciate your leadership and support.