The energy surrounding the green aisle at the ACA Convention in New Orleans was exciting and showed promise for correctional institutions seeking sustainable practice solutions. At least 13 vendors featuring sustainable products and technology exhibited on the green aisle, and several new exhibitors plan to join us at the Congress of Correction in Boston.

Some of the vendors exhibiting at ACA included Green Prisons newest sponsor DEEP GREEN waste management services, Big Hanna in-vessel composting, Solar America Solutions, Easy Water, and Portion Pac. In addition other vendors included green exhibitors featuring services such as propane fueling, porous paving, energy efficient technological systems, and more.
For more information on our vendors, click their icons on the GreenPrisons home page orclick on the appropriate picture embeded in this article.

The committed efforts of green exhibitors to join the Green Aisle, coupled with the immense enthusiasm shown by correctional practitioners in pursuing more sustainable products is testimony to the growth of sustainability in correctional practice. The Green Aisle continues to grow as evidenced by the new exhibitors this winter.

Contact Tommy Norris, CEO of GreenPrisons to learn how your company can be represented on the Green Aisle at the Summer Congress of Correction.